Thursday, September 12, 2019

views of the outdoors from indoors in courbevoie

La Défense

Almost a year after publishing a blog post on outdoor sketching near my work building in Courbevoie, I did not expect to write a companion piece showing other sketches of the Courbevoisien outdoors, but this time from indoors.

Yet after finding myself with three such sketches, the opportunity to bring them all together and to share the fruits of the labor was too exciting to pass up.

I took my time on these sketches, which were done inside my work building over several days, at lunchtime or in the evening after work hours.

Immeuble en chantier, Courbevoie

Above is a building in construction along the train tracks joining Paris (terminus Saint-Lazare train station) to La Défense.

Boulevard de la Mission Marchand, Courbevoie

Above is the track for Tram 2a along Boulevard de la Mission Marchand. This tram line joins Paris (terminus Porte de Versailles) to La Défense.